Gocek domain information

gocek.org - We also own gocek.net and gocek.com. gocek.net is the physically hosted domain. From a branding perspective, we publicize gocek.org.
Emails sent to us are heavily analyzed for spam. Always use gocek.org (rather than com or net). Specialized email headers are suspect.
* General Information
HosTek site
The Gocek domains are hosted by "HosTek" (behind the Oriental Buffet). We are not affiliated with the city of Göcek in Turkey.
The domains are not for sale. But hey, make me a big offer.
* gocek domain email addresses
If you're closely related to Gary, you can have a physical email address such as name@gocek.org. You can read this from the HosTek web site or from email clients via POP3 or IMAP, on a PC or mobile device. As Gary for help with server and port names. Gary and Sue use POP3 because we like to be able to do our own backups of our email messages. IMAP keeps the mail on the server so you can see it from any device (like gmail). There are pros and cons to either protocol.
If you're a Gocek, ask Gary if it's possible to set up a gocek.org forwarding address for non-commercial use. I am not in the business of email/domain supoport, so your customer service may be spotty, but it's easy to set up and would work most of the time. For non-commercial use by someone with the last name of Gocek, I would not ask for compensation.
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