TSRC links: FRONT PAGE ... Glossary ... Event scams ... Ticketing industry ... Not a scam ... Send this ... Sponsors ... Travel scams ... Resources ...
gocek.org links: gocek.org ... Christian Symbols ... Dad's WWII Company ... Financial Calculator ... Football Pools ... Captain Kangaroo ... Webcam ... Blogs ... Statistics ... Site policy information ... First atom bomb test, 16 July 1945.

Ticket Scam Resource Center - Information You Should Send to the Web Site

Given the mission and vision described on the home page, you should contact Gary to send suggestions for improving the site. Maybe you don't like the colors or the fonts, or maybe there is a category of information that has been overlooked.
The most interesting type of information is a description of a scam that is not already described on this site. Slight variations on the known scams are also of interest. If you feel that you or your organization have been treated unfairly by the pages within this site, please send your concerns.
Your email address will not be used for marketing purposes.
The operator of this site is an individual in a living room. The site is not sponsored by any commercial or non-profit agency. Everything the site operator knows about ticket scams is already on the site, but it can't hurt to leave comments at the blog. There are no magic words that will get your money back once you've lost it, but you might find some sympathy.